Re: yes, there's another hole in BIND

Pat Myrto (rwing!
Fri, 22 Jul 94 6:51:22 PDT

"In the previous message, Paul A Vixie said..."
> yes, a patch is in the works, and i'm testing it now.
> no, i'm not going to tell anybody what it is until i've got it fixed.

Security through obscurity is alive and well here, too, I see.  Therefore
the crackers who are exploiting the hole have the guaranteed knowlege
that all users of DNS are vulnerable.


Perhaps more than ONE head working on the problem might be a good idea?
Surely there is more than ONE person that can devise a fix...
pat@rwing  [If all fails, try:  rwing!]  Pat Myrto - Seattle WA
"No one has the right to destroy another person's belief by demanding
empirical evidence."  --   Ann Landers, nationally syndicated advice columnist
and Director at Handgun Control Inc.